Michen Fraser

Tah Law Firm

Criminal law has long been a passion for Michen Tah, founder of the Rockville, Maryland-based firm Tah Law. Michen earned her JD from Georgetown University Law Center and jumped into litigation. After a few years she decided to pivot her criminal law focus to criminal justice policy work. This pivot allowed her to stay involved in the field without the daily grind of representing clients.

As the daughter of two parents who dedicated their careers to helping others, it was a natural progression for Michen’s career to lead into public service. Working in policy and communications for a federal criminal justice agency put Michen in a position to help shape the narratives around the criminal justice system and its profound impact on communities of color.

Launching Tah Law

As just about every lawyer can confirm, it’s common for family, friends, and people you’ve barely spoken to since high school to ask for free advice, often expecting quick answers to complex legal issues without realizing the nuances involved. In estate planning, especially, many people wait until it’s too late—only seeking help when the unexpected has already happened or when their loved ones are already facing difficult decisions. Unfortunately, by that point, options can be limited or more costly, and the opportunity for careful planning is lost. 

This understanding became deeply personal when Michen's own father suffered a stroke. “Despite being a family of lawyers and doctors, my father had not prepared estate planning documents!” she said. “This experience underscored for me how prevalent this issue is, even among people you’d expect to know better.” 

It also served as the final push that inspired her to go into business and address this urgent need in her community. She pivoted again, this time into educating families and small business owners about the importance of estate planning and assisting them in preparing their estate documents long before they need them. In June 2022, she launched her law practice.

On the business side of starting a law practice, she joined the Universities at Shady Grove’s Equity Incubator Program (currently on hiatus), where she learned the fundamentals of operating a small business—an area not typically covered in law school. She also was accepted into the Montgomery County Black Collective’s AMBER Program where she refined her business strategy, especially around marketing. 

Through these programs and utilizing resources from the Montgomery County Public Library system, Michen is honing her entrepreneurial skills. One thing they do teach in law school is how to conduct thorough research, and she has taken full advantage of online resources like Maryland’s People’s Law Library, which offers accessible information on a range of legal topics relevant to the general public. 

“Our public libraries are amazing, and I’m not sure if other states have it as good as we do. We have so many invaluable resources to help the average person gain some familiarity with different areas of the law, offering resources on topics such as landlord-tenant issues, estate planning, and more. I’ve definitely called on those resources,” she said.

Estate Planning: A Vital Necessity

Engaging people in conversations about estate planning is often difficult, especially in a society that tends to avoid discussing death. This challenge is even more pronounced within the Black community, where conversations about mortality are often seen as taboo. “There’s a taboo around discussing death,” Michen said. “It can feel like suggesting someone plan for it is almost like inviting it.” 

But Michen stresses that estate planning is not about inviting death but about being responsible and protecting one’s legacy. She encourages clients, particularly business owners, to view estate planning as a way to ensure that their loved ones are not financially burdened by their death or unexpected disability.

And she notes that people’s relationship to end-of-life documents can be a bit like how they view prenuptial agreements—believing that planning for the possibility of divorce somehow increases the chance of it happening. But the goal of estate planning–and a prenup–is to prepare for the unexpected, with the hope (even the expectation) that you will never have to rely on it, she points out.

She emphasizes that estate planning should also evolve with the individual or business. Life changes—such as births, new homes, retirements, or other significant events—should definitely prompt updates to legal documents. The goal is to make estate planning a periodic process so that clients are never unprepared for the unexpected. She stresses the importance of ongoing dialogue and reassurance involving family members and key business stakeholders. 

When Michen speaks with clients, especially business owners, about estate planning, she always reminds them that it’s about being responsible and protecting their legacy. “I often tell them that hopefully they will only need these documents after a long and fulfilling life. But it’s essential to have a plan in place, so they aren’t caught off guard or leaving their loved ones with unnecessary financial hardship,” she says.

Tailored Legal Solutions for Growing Small Businesses

In addition to estate planning, Michen offers other legal services tailored to small businesses, helping entrepreneurs navigate everything from entity formation to contract review. She often finds herself in the role of educator, helping clients understand the legal implications of their decisions. This is particularly important for new business owners who may not know the finer points of running a business.

She also advises clients on contracts, often finding and pulling out clauses that are irrelevant or unnecessary. Her role includes acting as a sounding board, helping business owners think through potential issues that may not immediately come to mind.

Succession planning is another area of focus. Many business owners intend to pass their businesses on to family members but lack the formal documents needed to ensure a smooth transition. Michen assists clients in drafting these plans, ensuring that their legacy continues as they intend.

When to Call a Lawyer

Michen encourages clients to seek legal advice at critical moments in their business journey, such as when forming a business, hiring employees, or entering into partnerships. She offers a free 15-minute consultation for any potential client to discuss their legal needs.

For estate planning, Tah Law charges a flat fee, ensuring that clients receive the service they deserve without feeling pressured by hourly rates. Michen believes in building long-term relationships with clients, especially in estate planning, where trust and understanding are crucial.

The best time to call a lawyer is before legal issues arise, when you can proactively protect your rights and interests. Whether it's drafting a will, reviewing a business contract, or planning for the future, early legal guidance can help prevent costly disputes or complications. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—getting the right legal advice now can save significant time, stress, and money down the road.

Building New Business Relationships

In 2024, Michen has been working to build relationships with financial planners, creating mutually beneficial referral networks. She also gives free estate planning seminars at churches and community groups, offering guidance on key documents and considerations. 

She is eager to connect with more leaders interested in educating their communities about the urgent need for responsible estate planning because many people simply don’t know where to start when it comes to estate planning—and Michen Tah is determined to change that.

Tah Law Firm

Legal Services

Tah Law is a boutique law firm providing quality legal services to clients on matters throughout Maryland. We empower our clients to protect their interests and assets. Whether you need an estate plan to make sure your loved ones do not have added stress during a difficult time, or you want to grow and protect your small business, or you’re a lawyer with not enough hours in your day — we can help.

POC Details

Michen Fraser


(240) 824-5299

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